We want to provide our customers every option possible, so we’ve come up with two ways to order. You can order using our “Mix and Match” method or select a pre-packaged pump with a switch included. This allows you the ability to have not only the quality pump you need but, the features and technology you want to go with it.
Option 1: Mix and Match – Order a pump and a switch as separate items
- The pumps and switches are purchased as separate items, then combine to complete the system to meets your wants and needs
- Best way to allow for many options
- Select a pump, based on capacity, warranty or build materials
- Example: the S3033-NS, a 5 year warranty, high capacity pump with No Switch
- Then, select a switch to pair with it based on the features
- Example: the DFC2, a Dual Float Switch with Deluxe Controller that has lights, alarms and when paired with a PS-WiFi can send text, email or in-app alerts
Option 2: Pre-Packaged System – Order the pump and switch together in one box
- Order any pump with the switch already packaged in a single carton, ready for delivery
- Example: The S2033-VSC2, is a 4 year warranty, all cast iron pump and Vertical Switch with Deluxe Controller that has lights, alarms and when paired with a PS-WiFi can send text, email or in-app alerts